By appointment at the surgery, variety of days and times available. The childhood vaccinations are given at standard intervals and you can expect your child’s name to be called up on the computer at the right time. It is very important that your child has these vaccinations. There are only a very few reasons for not giving them.
If you are concerned that your child is unwell, please bring them to the surgery so that the nurse or doctor may assess whether or not they should have the vaccination. For more details visit
Download the leaflet "What to expect after vaccinations" (PDF, 132KB)
Download the leaflet "Information about the MenB vaccine and paracetamol use" (PDF, 236KB)
It is important that your children are fully immunised. Here's a checklist of the vaccines that are offered to everyone in the UK for free on the NHS, and the ideal age for which you should have them. The recommended schedule can be seen here.